our services

What we offer

Financial Audit

Aimed at improving the quality and transparency of all financial activities, to reduce the chance of problems occuring from incorrect information.

Financial Consulting

We provide financial consulting to large corporations, government agencies and individual clients. Providing an independent, expert opinion on a business plan.

Banking Services

We provide customers with account operations, fund transfers, credit cards for commercial customers, paying standing orders and selling foreign currency.

Financial Projection

Financial plan translating your company's goals into specific targets; it implies a commitment to making the targeted results happen and establishes milestones for gauging progress.

Stock and trading

At Exemp International Group, we trade equity securities. Our primary goal is to purchase and sell shares in different companies and try to profit off short-term gains from stock price fluctuations for clients.

Bonds & Commodities

Rising commodity prices have a tendency to push bond prices to go lower while the falling prices of commodities lead to higher bond prices. In other words, most often there is a unique inverse relationship between bonds and commodities.



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